Quality & Food Safety Policy

Management Commitment to the Quality and Food Safety Policy

Food hygiene and safety are non-negotiable components of the definition of quality. The management of the company Loutsaris Evangelos P.C “L.V. Natural Foods”, based in the Municipal Unit of Filiates in Igoumenitsa, is committed to providing every possible assistance and support (material, technological, and human resources) so that all its activities related to the procurement, processing, and packaging of various types of honey (pine, heather, fir, thyme, orange, flower, thyme flower, oak, forest) are organized and controlled in a way that ensures excellent quality, hygiene, and safety for the consumer.

The processing of the various types of honey includes homogenization, filtration, and packaging, making them ready for distribution to domestic and international stores/traders or through e-shop to final consumers.

The Management Commitment constitutes a core pillar of the company’s policy and its obligation towards the requirements of the competent control authorities, regarding the implementation of the applicable national and community legislation as well as the satisfaction of consumer requirements.

This Management Commitment to the Food Safety Policy aligns with the company’s Strategy, the definition of its content, the determination of its scope, the Objectives of the FSMS as defined by the company, and the requirements of ISO 22000:2018 and IFS v 8.0 standards. All interested parties and their respective requirements have been recognized with the effectiveness of the implemented FSMS system that the company applies. The Food Safety Policy, the Purpose, and the Objectives of the FSMS are available to all interested parties.

Alongside the operation of the FSMS system, whose central axis is the seven principles of HACCP, the company ensures through the goals set annually:

  • Fully satisfied customers and stakeholders regarding the quality and safety of the offered products.
  • Personnel that is well-trained and equipped with the appropriate tools and equipment to perform their duties.
  • Guidance and support of people contributing to the effectiveness of the FSMS.
  • Informed suppliers committed to satisfying the legal and reasonable requirements of Loutsaris Evangelos P.C “L.V. Natural Foods”.
  • Management committed to the mandates of the IFS v.8.0 & ISO 22000:2018 Systems.
  • Management focused on promoting Continuous Improvements of the FSMS through its updating.
  • Support of other related administrative roles to demonstrate leadership as applied to positions of responsibility.
  • Considering the employees’ opinions in decisions concerning the company and their participation in Management meetings where the annual goals of the Food Safety Culture and staff responsibilities are communicated, with at least 2 annual training sessions for all staff, and evaluating the Food Safety Culture by completing questionnaires according to the IFS v.8.0 standard.
  • Improving the Environmental Aspects of the company’s operation through recycling.

The Management of Loutsaris Evangelos P.C “L.V. Natural Foods”, operating in a competitive market framework that respects the mandates of safe food production, ensures that the FSMS is installed and maintained for the achievement of its intended outcomes, incorporating all processes and their interactions into its operation.

General Manager: Evangelos Loutsaris

Date: 04.01.2024